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In the Movie Open Water 2 Is the Baby the Only Survivor

Итоговый тест по английскому языку для студентов 260-263 групп 2 семестр

Вариант ane

1. Exercise 1 . Requite English language word meaning the following.

1) A field of medicine that studies physiological and pathological processes associated with pregnancy, delivery and postnatal flow;

Practice 2 . Say whether these statements are true or false .

a) Premature babies are always stillborn.

b) In the 19"' century well-nigh women gave birth to their children in maternity homes.

c) Abortions are harmless for a woman's wellness.

Practice iii. Put the missing discussion from the given below.

Russian hospitals take all necessary equipment for making a … .

a) education of patients b) important discoveries c) diagnosis and treatment of patients

Do iv . Put the most suitable clinical terms from the given below.

1. The … diseases of the female sex organs are salpingitis (inflammation of the uterine tubes);

2.… inflammatory disease …(PID) may exist caused by gonorrhea or bacteria;

  1. infertility b) cancer c) infectious d) pelvic e) syndrome f) leucorrhea g)amenorrhea h)dysmenorrhea

Exercise v. Underline the correct form of the verbs in italics.

  1. Marie and John Smiths started trying for/ making a babe iii years ago.

  2. When Marie didn`t get/ go pregnant afterwards two years, she and her husband were administered a special test, which showed that her married man had a depression sperm count.

Exercise 6. Cull the correct option to complete the sentences.

Surgeons performs / performing / perform operations.

Exercise vii. Choose the right option to complete the sentences.

The center charge per unit are monitored / is monitored / monitored regularly.

Practise viii. Choose the correct pick to complete the sentences.

Take / get / exercise your medication three times a twenty-four hour period with food.

Practise nine. Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

Yous should puncture a… with a needle.

Swab shock hypodermic sterilize cardiac arrest trauma foreign bodies blister

Exercise 10. Complete the sentences with the words from the listing.

A triage nurse makes an initial… .

Cubicle life-threatening prescriptions handling allergic cess appointments limbs

Exercise 11. Apply a word on the correct to form a suitable give-and-take that fits the gap in the aforementioned line :

Please, state your name, accost and ____ . to appoint

Do 12. Put the verbs in brackets in the proper tense (into Past Simple or Present Perfect, By Perfect, Time to come Perfect or Future Simple) :

i. The nurse (to accept) the patients 'temperature by the time the doc in charge begins the circular of the wards.

2. The doctor (to start) examining the patients as presently every bit he is ready.

Practise thirteen. Put the necessary word or word combination from the given above.

Practice 14. Put the letters of stressed words into the correct order to find the names of correct ones.

Итоговый тест по английскому языку для студентов 260-263 групп two семестр

Вариант 2

1. Exercise i . Give English word meaning the following.

A specialist that helps women during childbirth;

Exercise ii . Say whether these statements are true or false.

A) Nausea, airsickness, loss of appetite are characteristic sings of early pregnancy.

B) In all cases when a adult female misses her period, she must be considered meaning.

C) Vaginal haemorrhage during early pregnancy is a truthful sign of a miscarriage.

Exercise 3. Put the missing word from the given below.

In the RF all citizens can receive health service…

  1. at the medical colleges b) at the offices c) at the land expense

Exercise iv . Put the well-nigh suitable clinical terms from the given below.

i. A catamenia is the common proper noun for … (monthly) period.

ii. The onset of monthly periods in women is known every bit ….

a) menarche b) cancer c) infectious d) pelvic e) menstrual f) leucorrhea g) amenorrhea h) dysmenorrhea

Exercise 5. Underline the correct form of the verbs in italics.

a) Mrs. Atkins and her husband had IVF, and half-dozen weeks subsequently she found she was waiting for/ expecting a infant.

b) She was nervous when she had/ did her scan at twelve weeks, but everything was well.

Practise half-dozen. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

I'm a midwife, I delivers / I'm delivering / deliver babies.

Exercise 7. Choose the right option to complete the sentences.

The nurses are checked / is checked / checked the patients.

Exercise 8. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

Exercise I should / take to / shouldn't bandage the wound?

Exercise ix. Consummate the sentences with the words from the list.

Yous tin can… equipment with alcohol.

Swab shock hypodermic sterilize cardiac arrest trauma foreign bodies cicatrice

Exercise 10. Complete the sentences with the words from the listing.

A snake bite tin be… .

Cubicle life-threatening prescriptions treatment allergic cess appointments limbs

Exercise 11. Use a word on the right to course a suitable word that fits the gap in the same line :

Have a little ___. The physician will come in several minutes. Patient

Exercise 12. Put the verbs in brackets in the proper tense (into Past Simple or Nowadays Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect or Future Unproblematic) :

i. On admission the patient stated that two years before something (to be wrong with) his stomach.

2. I'thou sure the whole course of handling (to produce) a marked effect on the patient's condition past the end of this week.

Exercise xiii. Put the necessary word or word combination from the given above.

Exercise fourteen. Put the letters of stressed words into the right order to find the names of correct ones.

Итоговый тест по английскому языку для студентов 260-263 групп 2 семестр

Вариант 3

one. Practise 1 . Give English words meaning the following.

A adult female that is having her baby;

Exercise2 . Say whether these statements are truthful or fake.

a) If a woman is not able to conceive normally, bogus formulation can assistance her.

b) All Americans have family doctors.

c) Family doctor, the medical institutions(infirmary), the United states of america Public Wellness Service are the 3 levels of Nation`s Health Care in the Usa.

Exercise 3. Put the missing word from the given below.

The … of big cities suffers greatly from traffic noises all over the world.

a)mortality rate b) population c) quality

Exercise 4 . Put the most suitable clinical terms from the given below.

1. The last menstrual menses is commonly abbreviated in doctors` notes LM….

2. The menstrual …, or length and frequency of periods is usually written in the course 4/28, which means lasting 4 days and occurring every 28 days.

a) infertility b) cycle c) infectious d) pelvic east) menses f) leucorrhea thou) amenorrhea h)dysmenorrhea

Practice 5. Underline the right form of the verbs in italics.

  1. My waters broke in the middle of the night and she went into/ entered labour a couple of hours later.

  2. The midwife made/ did a vaginal examination and constitute that the baby was breech.

Exercise vi. Choose the correct option to consummate the sentences.

3 The paramedic is unavailable. He responds / 's responding / reply to an emergency.

Do 7. Choose the right pick to complete the sentences.

Mrs. Ramone removed / were removed / was removed her dentures before going to theatre.

Exercise 8. Choose the right option to complete the sentences.

Shall I / you lot / he have his pulse?

Exercise 9. Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

First check at that place are no… in the wound.

Swab shock hypodermic sterilize cardiac arrest trauma strange bodies blister

Exercise x. Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

Sometimes it is difficult to read handwritten… .

Cubicle life-threatening prescriptions treatment allergic assessment appointments limbs

Practice eleven. Employ a word on the right to form a suitable word that fits the gap in the same line :

___ was advised immediately. Hospital

Practise 12. Put the verbs in brackets in the proper tense (into Past Simple or Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Futurity Perfect or Hereafter Elementary) :

ane.The doctor in accuse (to find out) the impairment of the functions of the patient 'south center earlier the electrocardiogram was taken.

2.The ward medico thinks that past tomorrow morning this patient 'south temperature (to autumn) to normal.

Exercise 13. Put the necessary word or give-and-take combination from the given above.

Exercise 14. Put the letters of stressed words into the right guild to notice the names of right ones.


1. Past Simple Tense — Простое прошедшее время

Часто в таких предложениях используются обстоятельства и предлоги времени as a rule , ago, every…, concluding…, often, seldom, sometimes, when…, yesterday.

П + V2 (Ved) + Д….

Our squad won the game last flavour. They played very well.

Did + П + V + Д …?

Did the sportsmen win the game?

Wh did + П + Five…?

What did the sportsmen win?

Wh- What When Why How Where What for

П +did non +V +Д… .

We did not play football game yesterday; it was too common cold.

ii. Времена Time to come Uncomplicated и Future Perfect используются для описания действия, которое произойдёт в будущем или к какому-то моменту в будущем. Часто в таких предложениях используются обстоятельства и предлоги времени soon , tomorrow , next …, in a ; а для Future Perfect также already , before , by that time

П + will/shall +V + Д … .

П + will/shall have +V3 (Ved) + Д … .

I shall meet them at the stadium tomorrow.

They will accept booked the tickets for the match past that fourth dimension.

Volition/Shall + П + 5 + Д …?

Volition/Shall + П + have+V3 (Ved) + Д …?

Wh will/shall + П + V +…?

Wh will/shall + П + have+V3 (Ved) + Д …?

П + won`t/shan`t +V + Д .

П + won`t/shan`t have +V3 (Ved) + Д … .

3. Времена Present и By Perfect используются для описания действия, которое началось с

какого-то момента в прошлом и продолжается до настоящего времени. Часто в таких предложениях используются обстоятельства и предлоги времени for , since , nonetheless , already , simply , e'er , never ; а для Past Perfect также before , by that time

П + have +V3 (Ved) + Д … .

П + had +V3 (Ved) + Д … .

I have just met them at the stadium.

Accept + П + V3 (Ved) + Д …?

Had + П + V3 (Ved) + Д …?

Wh take + П + V3 (Ved) +…?

П + haven`t +V3 (Ved) + Д .

П + hadn`t +V3 (Ved) + Д … .

In the Movie Open Water 2 Is the Baby the Only Survivor
